Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: pregnancy

Women’s Adventure Magazine Story!!!


Exciting news!  A couple of weeks ago, I found out that Mountain Mama (my new sponsor) would be collaborating with Women’s Adventure Magazine.  Teresa, the founder of Mountain Mama, suggested to me that I submit my “story” to the magazine for consideration.  So a couple of Saturdays ago (the day before Canaan was born) I wrote something out and sent it in.  And a couple of days ago I got a response from the magazine saying that they would like to use my story on their website, and are considering it for print!  The specific link for my story is…Read the rest of this entry →


Canaan’s Birth Story

Canaan’s Birth Story

This is the story of how Canaan Ray Lineberry entered the world.  On Friday, March 19th, I finished my last day at Chesterbrook Academy, and was ready to enjoy two full weeks off before my due date.  Folks kept asking me what I was going to do with all that time off, and I jokingly would say that there’s no way the little guy was gonna let me have two weeks all to myself.  Steve predicted that I would go into labor at 4:00 Friday afternoon, right when I got off of work.  I was a little more cynical, and…Read the rest of this entry →


Mountain Mama (to-be for less than 3 weeks!)

Mountain Mama (to-be for less than 3 weeks!)

My most exciting piece of news is that I was contacted this week by Mountain-Mama about a sponsorship! They are a new company that will be selling outdoor technical apparel in maternity and nursing-friendly styles! Their clothing will be available in August of 2010. The ironic part about all of this is that I have done a lot of complaining about the lack of maternity clothing for women that do any sort of athletic endeavor besides yoga (as if cotton yoga pants could stand up to a full day of cragging…) and just got offered a fantastic hook-up with gear when I have less than three weeks to go…Oh well, I’m just excited that there is a company out there that is filling this niche, and that I get to be a part of it – plus the timing is perfect for me as far as all the nursing gear goes!Read the rest of this entry →


Showers and Surprise Alpine Conditions

Showers and Surprise Alpine Conditions

Steve and I headed west Friday night for the start of our fun-filled, but exhausting weekend.  On Saturday morning our parents threw us a baby shower.  There were about 50 people there and we got LOADED down with gifts! Speaking of gifts do check out these things to send boyfriend at office, which I recently found thamnks to one of the people at the shower.  I got to catch up with lots of folks I hadn’t seen in a long time, including my roommate from college, as well as some old family friends. I feel like I ate my body weight…Read the rest of this entry →


Spring in January?

Spring in January?

What are the odds that a sunny January day in the 50’s would line up with a day off???  We had no choice but to go climbing!!!  We headed west before the sun came up and met up with our friends Marc and Marie, who we met at Triangle Rock Club.  Steve had taken Marc on his first outdoor climbing excursion about a year ago at Pilot Mountain while I was rehabbing my shoulder, so it seemed only fitting that we also were there for his girlfriend Marie’s first time roping up outdoors!  We had a cold start to our day –…Read the rest of this entry →
