Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: water

5 Ways to Have Fun With a Cheap Plastic Pool

5 Ways to Have Fun With a Cheap Plastic Pool

You know the ones I mean – they sell them at Wal-mart for 10 bucks or so.  At first glance they appear to be far too small for anything bigger than a small one year old child to enjoy.  But before you toss it after just one summer, think outside the box a little bit – you might be surprised at what you can do with it!  We used ours for Big C the summer we moved to Charlotte – he had just turned 1, and we hadn’t explored the local pool options yet.  We used it for a couple of…Read the rest of this entry →


Review: Beachfront (and Poolside!) Babywearing

Review: Beachfront (and Poolside!) Babywearing

Though I suppose summer has only “officially” been here for a few days, the thermometer outside certainly says otherwise!  And as the temperatures (and humidity, ugh!) have risen slowly but surely this past month, we’ve had to get a little more creative with our babywearing.  You see, while I’m a big fan of all of the benefits that come from keeping baby in snuggly, skin to skin contact with mom, I am NOT a fan of the sweltering sweat fest it creates during the warmer months.  Warm and fuzzy turns into hot and stinky in a heartbeat, which can be unpleasant…Read the rest of this entry →


Ever Thought About an Inflatable Kayak? Maybe You Should!

Ever Thought About an Inflatable Kayak?  Maybe You Should!

This summer our family visited and added some new paddling gear to our already overflowing adventure closet!  Though our purchase was made on a whim after some extra writing gig money came in, the idea has been brewing for a long time – as in, since the pre-Cragbaby days.  Steve and I had always enjoyed paddling and kayaking in its various forms – we’d sea kayak using fishing kayak for two people in New Zealand, rafted numerous rivers including the Upper Gauley (with a guide), and even had an epic backcountry canoeing experience in the Everglades (probably SHOULD’ve had…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragbaby the Dirty Hippie

Cragbaby the Dirty Hippie

It started out innocent enough – just Cragbaby and the Mommy at Matthews-Sardis Park (which has been a long time family favorite – more on this park here).  It was a beautiful spring morning, and for the first 30 minutes we had the swings, slides, and tunnels all to ourselves as we listened to a chorus of songbirds equally as excited about the fresh air.  After a while though C’s fascination turned from the playground equipment to the tiny sliver of a creek separating the playground from the surrounding woods.    Like most toddlers, C is enamored by water.  Favorite wet and…Read the rest of this entry →
