Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Daily Archives: March 7, 2011

Sentimental Snapshots: Put Adventure on Your Calendar!

Sentimental Snapshots: Put Adventure on Your Calendar!

At first glance this picture seems a little cliche – crazy climber parents posing their 3 month old in front of a guidebook! Cute, yes! Inspiring, not so much…But if you look a little deeper, I think this picture can represent something that a lot of adults in our society are missing out on – planned adventure!  Let’s face it – most of us lead very scheduled, busy lives. Sometimes there’s just not any time (or energy!) left for anything adventurous. Or, if you do happen upon some free time, you spend the whole time trying to decide what you’re…Read the rest of this entry →
